Joshua Cohen is a Principal at Fat Pencil Studio
Yana joined Fat Pencil in 2017 and immediately went to work on a major construction defect case. Her expertise in architecture, data visualization, and graphic design has been instrumental in hundreds of projects. Here’s a few examples.
Yana submits for the Holland Prize using her Fat Pencil know-how.
A Fat Pencil spin on family trees
Before VR, before PowerPoint, and before overhead projectors there were poster exhibits. Here are some good reasons to give this old technology a new look when crafting a presentation strategy.
Every case has a cast of characters that will be more memorable when introduced with pictures.
In addition to design leadership, Yana also developed Fat Pencil’s systems for tracking project data and training modules for new staff onboarding. Over the course of five years, Yana has contributed a great deal of hard work, good humor, and creativity to Fat Pencil and we’re going to miss her!
Fat Pencil staff in Oct 2021: Yana, Joshua, Megan, Carter, Kenneth.
Carter started working at Fat Pencil in 2021 and was only with us for six months when he decided to pursue another opportunity. However, even in this short time, he learned enough about 3d modeling to contribute on several cases.
Carter came to Fat Pencil with a ton of experience creating motion graphics. He put these skills to work on projects such as the Earthquake Ready Burnside Bridge (EQRB) and inspired all of us to see what is possible with Adobe After Effects software.
After so many months and years of working beside Carter and Yana it’s sad to say good bye. However, it’s also an opportunity to welcome new staff to Fat Pencil and we are looking forward to sharing these introductions next month.
Joshua Cohen is a Principal at Fat Pencil Studio