Live Design @ WeWork

Dug Ketterman of DugOut Design Studio and our very own Joshua Cohen co-hosted a real-time, 3D visualization exercise at WeWork, challenging 40 people to design a music and skating festival. This imaginary event was to take place in the North Park Blocks just outside WeWork's doors. We brainstormed a tree house stage, hot dog stand, and skate ramp-jump over 40 porta-potties– all very fresh and unexpected ideas!

We role-played marketers, permit officials, police officers, vendors, performers and neighbors. A few of your novel thoughts that I remember are: Where is the first aid station? Does it benefit business or impede traffic to have vendors by the road? Should lighting be located farther from the stage to improve the quality of the concert? What are the safety concerns for a performer to be in a tree?

Lots of issues I would have never considered! Thank you all for making this a fun event.

Yelena Prusakova was an illustrator at Fat Pencil Studio from 2013-2017.