The convention center at Canada Place is just a few hundred miles from our office in Portland, so we piled into a minivan for the six-hour drive. Our hotel had a great view of the harbor, and the variety of cruise ships that docked next door.
Joel presented a 90-minute workshop on tiny house planning, construction, and site design.
Joshua delivered an hour-long talk about how we use SketchUp to visualize crime scenes, covering material from these three articles:
Drawing to Learn
How a design approach and toolset commonly associated with architecture are increasingly being used in forensic investigations.
Animation vs Simulation
I spent two hours on the witness stand in a Las Vegas courtroom, using a 3d model to demonstrate possible scenarios in a bus crash case. Was it animation? Simulation? Or some of each?
Who Tells Your Story?
The world is watching as protesters fill the streets to tell the story of George Floyd and too many other victims of police violence in the United States. What will it take for this uprising to affect meaningful changes in policing?
We scouted for hidden wonders including ten “curious creatures.” Alex’s entry was among the finalists selected for augmented reality display at the convention center. Her peach-skinned, Bosch-inspired wingless griffon is pictured below.
We dominated the SketchUp Shootout, which is a 3d version of Pictionary with dueling contestants on stage working from a simple prompt to make the best possible model (as judged by the audience) in just two minutes.
We explored the city including visits to Granville Island and Gastown. We learned a ton, we ate great food, and we met lots of new SketchUp friends, whom we hope to see again at Basecamp 2024!