Blind Spot
Photogrammetry is used to reconstruct a crash involving a city bus and a pedestrian. Once again, blind spots play a tragic role.
Photogrammetry is used to reconstruct a crash involving a city bus and a pedestrian. Once again, blind spots play a tragic role.
Use of an insufficiently designed dock plate provided at a Portland area building resulted in severe injury to a dock worker.
Dangerous and invisible carbon monoxide levels are rendered visible for this personal injury mediation.
A detailed 3d model was used to help witnesses explain their memories of an incident involving a ticket buyer and a passing truck.
Our SceneViz process helps an injured diver explain the difficulties involved with the installation of a pipe off the Oregon coast.
"Worst tragedy in Trimet's history" results in $4M settlement.
Graphics help tell the story of a brakeman injured while riding on a train car during a slack run out.
Animated sequences of a person falling down a set of stairs based on site measurements and consultation with human factors expert.
An animated 3d model of a hay baling machine to show how its operator was injured.
Graphics demonstrating the movement of four vehicles involved in a highway collision case.
Accurate 3d model and stop-motion animation of a head impact injury.
A clear and accurate 2d base map provides a canvas for precise witness testimony.