Joshua Cohen is a Principal at Fat Pencil Studio
You’ll be using visual tools to help attorneys investigate and present the most important elements of their case. The objective may be to synchronize, compile and analyze security camera footage. Or it could be to visualize a vehicle crash, a crime scene, a medical procedure or a timeline of events. Check out our portfolio to see examples.
You’ll enjoy a fast-paced work environment, which typically requires projects to be completed in a matter of days or weeks. When we’re busy you’ll be working on multiple projects simultaneously. In the process, you’ll have an opportunity to learn new design techniques, new software, and write occasional blog posts to support marketing efforts. Our office environment is casual, and the schedule is flexible to allow work/life balance, but we do need you to work in-person at our office at least 4 days per week during core hours (10am-2pm). This provides the best opportunity to collaborate with co-workers. This is a full-time position (35+ hours per week). You’ll be challenged to do great work and occasionally put in extra hours to meet deadlines.
Occasional company-paid travel may be required to work with a litigation team during trial. Check out this case for an example of what this might look like. Other reasons for travel may include attending conferences, site visits, meeting with clients in custody, or testifying in court. Total travel time will not exceed two weeks in a single stretch or four weeks in a calendar year.
This is not a typical design job. The subject matter can be highly complex, is sometimes gruesome, and is almost always confidential (i.e. not available for portfolio use). We often work on behalf of people who have experienced tragic loss, or who have been accused of terrible crimes. But everyone deserves a chance to have their story heard, and we take pride in helping our clients tell these stories in the most visually compelling way possible.
We’re looking for design generalists with a background in visual communication, 2+ years of professional work experience, and outstanding skills in at least one of these areas: 2d design, 3d modeling, video editing or motion graphics. Finalists for this position will be asked to demonstrate an ability to perform up to three exercises from the following list that suit your skill set.
We use Adobe Creative Suite for 2d illustration, page layout, video editing and motion graphics. We use Keynote and PowerPoint for slide presentations and SketchUp for 3d modeling. Proficiency with these tools is a plus, but not a requirement. We have an extensive training program to help new staff get up to speed on typical workflows. Candidates with fluency in Spanish are encouraged to apply!
The starting wage for this position is $34/hr. You’ll be part of a small company with strong growth potential, so rapid advancement is possible. Fat Pencil Studio is an equal opportunity employer and offers paid time off, health insurance (100% of monthly premiums paid for employee only), and retirement savings benefits.
If you are interested in joining our team, please write a short letter of introduction that explains why you want to work at Fat Pencil Studio. If you have some experience or connection with the legal industry this would be a good place to describe it! We use this letter to evaluate your writing skills and attention to detail (i.e. have you read the full job description). We’ll also want to review your resume and some design work samples.
Please submit all application materials (intro letter, resume, and work samples) via email to [email protected]. We can receive email attachments up to 10MB, or you can send links to an online portfolio. We will reply within two business days to confirm receipt of complete applications. However, if you don’t provide all the requested application materials, we will not reply and will not consider your application.
We will begin reviewing applications on January 27, and the position will remain open until filled.
Joshua Cohen is a Principal at Fat Pencil Studio