To access ladder, the green worker must first open a safety gate.
To access ladder, the green worker must first open a safety gate.
The worker must then duck down to avoid a "headknocker" obstacle.
The worker must then duck down to avoid a "headknocker" obstacle.
To mount the ladder, a worker must rely on grip of a single hand while swinging foot to the nearest rung.
To mount the ladder, a worker must rely on grip of a single hand while swinging foot to the nearest rung.
When bringing second foot to ladder, worker must keep low to avoid hitting head.
There is not sufficient room to stand on this rung without hitting head.
If a worker does hit their head while mounting the ladder, a fall may occur.
Alternate positions that keep two hands on ladder while swinging feet to rungs are not feasible.
Alternate positions that keep two hands on ladder while swinging feet to rungs are not feasible.
Here's a look, from several different perspectives, at a critical moment in the sequence.
Here's a look, from several different perspectives, at a critical moment in the sequence.
Here's a look, from several different perspectives, at a critical moment in the sequence.
Here's a look, from several different perspectives, at a critical moment in the sequence.
Here's a look, from several different perspectives, at a critical moment in the sequence.